Sunday, February 22, 2009


Ok so I've been terrible at updating this lately. But can you blame me? Honestly... I have 2 kids under the age of 2 and I'm a full time Nursing student in my last semester of Nursing school. Let's face it, I'm busy. But I guess now is as good of time as any to introduce Hailee to the blog. She's 5 months old now so she's not exactly brand new to the family, but that's how long it has been since I've updated this. Also, new pictures of Grace.

Even though I am busy, I'm in no way complaining. I have to say that I absolutely love my life. Sure, it's hard sometimes. But I have so much to be thankful for! Just look!

Hailee posing for the camera. She was 3 months old here.

She's such a beautiful baby!

Daddy styled Gracie's hair in the tub. Her hair is nothing like mine. She has this beautiful blonde super straight hair.

Justin and Grace definitely have a special bond. She adores him and when I come home after they've spent a day together, she usually knows some new cute little thing to do... like saying "thank you" or "please" or helping to unload the dishwasher. He's always teaching her something new and they already have a very special daddy-daughter bond.

This was one of our Christmas pictures taken out at Lover's Point in Monterey, CA. Hailee was 3 months old here too. I need to upload some more recent pictures, but I'll get to that soon. As of right now, Hailee is definitely a mama's girl. That may just be because she relies on me for food, but for right now, I'm her favorite person to be with (and I love that!). She's a sweet baby and smiles all the time!
So this is it for the update right now but I will be posting more. I now have a working computer again so that helps!